Ciudad Universitaria, Edificio D, Plaza Menéndez Pelayo, s/n, 28040 Madrid 91 394 5863

Publicación: ” The Revelations of Sor María de Santo Domingo: A Study and a Translation” de Borja Gama de Cossío y María José Álvarez Faedo

Anunciamos la reciente publicación del libro "The Revelations of Sor María de Santo Domingo: A Study and a Translation", de Borja Gama de Cossío y María José Álvarez Faedo

This volume is both the first extensive study in English and the first translation into English of the Spanish turn-of-the-fifteenth-century manuscript Las revelaciones de María de Santo Domingo. The source text for the translation is Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida and María Luengo Balbas’s scholarly edition. This English edition has two distinct parts. Beginning with her life and role as a reformer, the first part examines Sor María’s spirituality and provides a profile of the example she closely imitated, that of St Catherine of Siena. This is followed by an analysis of the sources, authorship and subjects of Las revelaciones. The second part offers a translation of the work into English.