In 1994, Blanca Oteiza got her doctorate degree with a thesis, directed by the professor Ignacio Arellano, with the critical edition of two palace plays by Tirso de Molina (“Celos con celos se curan” and “El amor medico”) with a distinction “cum Laude” given unanimously.
She has taught in undergraduate subjects in the UNED “University of Distance Education” (in Pamplona), the University of Zaragoza (today “Universidad Pública de Navarra”), and doctoral courses in the “University of Navarra”, “Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès” (France) and the “Universitè de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour” (France). She has also taught in the “Instituto Navarro de Adminstración Pública”, belonging to the Government of Navarra on “Modernization of the administrative language”.
She has directed many research works and three doctoral thesis, all of them got the maximum grade. One of the thesis won the award 2004 of the Humanities in the “Real Academia de doctores, (Madrid)” (“Royal Academy of Doctors”) and other is a European doctorate directed in collaboration.
She has participated in 16 courts of Defence of thesis of Doctorate and research works in Spain and abroad.
Her research activity is related to his membership in GRISO (Golden Age research team) of the University of Navarra, where he is member from 1997 and the CECE (Centre for the Edition of Spanish Classical works), where she became member from the year 2001. She has also taken part in thirteen research projects from Europe, Spain and Navarra. In five of them she has been the Main Researcher, all dedicated to the critical edition of the complete theatre by Tirso de Molina (the last active in 2017) and the plays and theatre by Bances Candamo.
Many of these projects have obtained international impact as the CELES XVII-XVIII, promoted by the “Université de Poitiers” (France) or the project Consolider-Ingenio2010 devoted to the study of the classical theatrical heritage of Spain. It is also remarkable the European project (France, Italy and Spain) «Les idées du Théâtre» (http://www.idt.paris-sorbonne.fr), where 121 researchers take part with a budget of 259.995 euros. Besides, she is evaluator of the Ministerio dell'Istruzione, dell'Universita' e della Ricerca de Italia (CINECA).
She has published 21 books (17 of them in collaboration), and 65 chapters and articles on culture and society, theatre and Golden Age poetry in indexed scientific journals from Spain and abroad such as “Rilce”, “Anuario Calderoniano”, ”Coloquio Letras”, “Ínsula”, “Taller de Letras” and in recognized publishing houses such as “Vervuert / Iberoamericana”, “Reichenberger”, “Peter Lang”, and “Real Academia Española”.