PhD Doctor in History from the University of Zaragoza (2008), has developed her teaching and research career in centers in America and Europe, such as the University of Monterrey, UDEM, (Mexico) and Queen Mary University of London (UK). She is currently an Lecturer in the Department of History of the Zaragoza's University. She has done research stays at Germany, France and Italy and published several works, among which stand out her monograph, Mysticism and Conspiracy. Sister Maria of Agreda in the reign of Felipe IV, (2010), as well as articles in national and international Scientific History Journals. Her research has been focused on the study of religious women with a reputation as saints in the Early Modern Hispanic monarchy, paying special attention to the role that these women played in the daily life of the inhabitants of the places where did they live. Many of them, thanks to her fame of sanctity, became people of reference and figures of recognized prestige among their neighbors, holding a certain degree of authority. Fruit of this research are some works such as: “Authority, holiness and daily life in Early Modern Spain”, in Quiles, F., García Bernal, J., Broggio, P. y Dell'Arco, M. (eds.) A la Luz de Roma. Santos y santidad en el barroco iberoamericano, (2020), “The fame of Female Sanctity in Convento de la Encarnación of Zaragoza”, (2018), "Traditions and survivals medieval in the models of feminine sanctity in the E. Modern: miraculous cures and mediation" in Medievalia, vol. 18, nº2 (2015) or "Convents, holiness and daily life in the Modern Age", in Iglesias, JJ, Pérez García, R., Fernández, M (eds.) Commerce and culture in the Age Modern (2015). Ana Morte has been an external collaborator of the previous R&D project by Rebeca Sanmartín, "The construction of female holiness"