Professor of History of the Medieval Church and of Medieval Feminine Mysticism at the Faculty of Theology of the Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid). She follows three main lines of research: 1) Female religious life and spirituality in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, including women’s mysticism and theology (Espacios de vida espiritual de mujeres (Obispado de Córdoba, 1260-1550), doctoral dissertation, Complutense University, 2008; Religiosas y ciudades. La espiritualidad femenina en la construcción sociopolítica urbana bajomedieval (Córdoba, siglos XIII-XVI), Córdoba: Asociación Hispánica de Estudios Franciscanos, 2010; Beatriz de Silva (ca. 1426-ca. 1491), Madrid: Biblioteca de Mujeres-Ediciones del Orto, 2004, etc.), with attention to the phenomenon of the living saints (“En torno a la fenomenología de las santas vivas: algunos ejemplos andaluces (siglos XV-XVI)”, Miscelánea Comillas 59 (2001) 739-777; “Magdalena de la Cruz, de santa viva a hereje: feminismo y disidencia de género en el monacato observante español (1504-1560)”, in Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli (coord.), Sante vive in Europa (secoli XV-XVI), 2020, 199-233, etc.). 2) History of Women’s Written Culture and Education (editor of Las sabias mujeres: educación, saber y autoría (siglos III-XVII), Madrid,: A.C. Al-Mudayna, 1994; editor of Las sabias mujeres II (siglos III-XVI). Homenaje a Lola Luna, Madrid: A.C. Al-Mudayna, 1995, among other publications. 3) History of the Mendicant Orders in the Middle Ages, especially the Franciscanism and, specifically, the Order of Saint Clare (Las Órdenes Mendicantes en el obispado de Mondoñedo: el convento de San Martín de Villaoriente (1374-1500), Mondoñedo-Ferrol: Estudios Mindonienses, 1990; editor of El Franciscanismo en la Península Ibérica. Balance y perspectivas, Actas del I Congreso Internacional del Franciscanismo en la Península Ibérica (Madrid, 22-27 sept. 2003), Barcelona: GBG Editora, 2005 (with Agustín Boadas Llavat); editor of Las Clarisas en España y Portugal, Actas del Congreso Internacional, 4 vols., Madrid: Cisneros, 1994 (with José Martí Mayor, etc.). She has coordinated the research group "History of the Church and Spirituality", at the Comillas Pontifical University, and has been the principal investigator of the research project Visiones del cielo: espiritualidad, política y cultura, the results of which were reflected in the book El cielo: historia y espiritualidad, Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2018, edited by her. She has published numerous articles on all these issues. She has also developed them by attending numerous national and international congresses as a speaker, and by being a member of various scientific committees.