M. Mar Cortés Timoner, after obtaining a FPU scholarship, gained (cum laude), in 2003, a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona with a thesis on the spirituality of women writers, Madres y maestras espirituales: De Leonor López de Córdoba a Teresa de Jesús. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the Departamento de Filología Hispánica, Teoría de la Literatura y Comunicación at the Universitat de Barcelona, and conducts research at Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals (IRCVM), as well as participating at the Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval (AHLM). Her specialisation is in the field of Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature on which she has explored two strands of research: the study of early modern Spanish drama and the first female writers in Castilian. The latter has granted her a degree of recognition. In 2004 she was awarded the Victoria Kent Research Prize for her book Teresa de Cartagena, la primera escritora mística en lengua castellana and Ediciones del Orto published her second and third book in Biblioteca de Mujeres (Editorial del Orto): Sor María de Santo Domingo y Sor Juana de la Cruz. Following on from this research strand, she has published extensively, such as two more monographs, Las primeras escritoras en lengua castellana y Sor Constanza de Castilla (Edicions UB, 2015), peer-reviewed articles and reviews in Anuario de Estudios Medievales, Revista de Literatura Medieval, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, Arenal, Lectora, Duoda. Estudios de diferencia sexual, Cahiers d´études hispaniques medievales, Scripta, Anagnorisis, Cahiers d’Études des Cultures Ibériques et Latino-américaines – CECIL y Revista de Escritoras Ibéricas. She has presented her findings at a number of conferences and co-organised an international conference in 2015 at the Université Paul-Valéry, Ecrire sous la contrainte: mystiques, contemplatifs et le spectre du juge. This resulted in the organisation of a collective volume published in Cahiers d'Études des Cultures Ibériques et Latino-américaines. Mar Cortés teaches graduate and undergraduate courses, such as an Master in Spanish and Hispanic American Literature at UNIBA, and enjoys organising summer courses at the University of Barcelona and programmes for continuing education, such as Aula Gent Gran and Universitat de l’Experiència at the University of Barcelona.