Emeritus-Professor at the University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France), she devotes her research to the comedy of the Golden Age, especially hagiography, and to the work of Tirso de Molina in particular.
Her thesis (Pau, 1997) is dedicated to the Tirso de Molina trilogy La Santa Juana, a monographic study that will be the basis of the critical edition of the same in the Project “Critical edition of the complete theatre of Tirso de Molina. Fourth phase (FFI2013-48549-P)” of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain with Dr. Blanca Oteiza as its director. The three parts are published respectively in 2016, 2018 and 2022 by the Institute of Tirso Studies (IET) of the GRISO of the University of Navarra.
2005: Her thesis for Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (accreditation for a university chair) is dedicated to Tirso de Molina's work El burlador de Sevilla and is based on a theorization of the generic evolution of Tirso's work developed in her work: D’une poétique de l’engagement au désengagement poétique (From a poetics of commitment to poetic disengagement).
Among her collaborations in other research projects, the European ANR Project, Les Idées du théâtre (corpus espagnol), IDT 5 team dedicated to the paratexts of theatrical editions, in this case to the Quinta Parte de comedias by Tirso de Molina, stands out.
In general, her research is interested in questions of theatrical genre, polymetry, the staging of theatrical space as well as the circulation of theatrical forms and themes in Western Europe in the 17th century.
She is currently collaborating on the AUTESO project (Autographs of Theatrical Works of the Golden Age), directed by Marco Presotto (University of Trento and Sònia Boadas, Autonomous University of Barcelona) within the framework of the creation of the Theatheor database funded by the European Commission (La santa juanna I and La santa juanna III).