Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli teaches at the Pontifical Gregorian University and at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum). She also gives courses at the Higher School of Medieval and Franciscan Studies of the Antonianum and at the Claretianum, also in Rome. She has written on the History of the Papacy and of Monasticism, but her privileged field of research deals with the Mystical Writings between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. Among her works are the critical editions of the visions of saint Francesca Romana (1994), of the revelations of Giovanna Maria della Croce (2007), and of the letters of Tommaso da Bergamo (2019). Also noteworthy are the volumes: Una memoria controversa. Celestino V e le sue fonti (2013), Santità e mistica femminile nel medioevo (2013), Sante vive in Europa (sec. XV-XVI). Saggi per Gabriella Zarri (2020), Agiografie domenicane (2022), Corpo sacro. Scrittura ed esperienza mistica tra medioevo ed età moderna (2022), Donne di Dio - secoli XII-XV (2023), La Croce nel primo secolo francescano. Scritture, immagini, modelli (2024).