Amelina Correa Ramón (Granada), Professor in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Granada and member of the Academy of Arts of that city, has held teaching posts at the universities of Almería and Seville and has been a speaker at more than fifty international conferences in different cities in Europe, America and Africa. She has worked and published books and articles mainly on Alejandro Sawa, Isaac Muñoz and the poets of Modernism. In the field of women's writing, 2000 saw the publication of her edition with an introductory study of Cuentos de mujeres. Twelve stories by fin-de-siecle women writers; and in October 2002, Cuentos espiritistas, a selection, with a foreword and editing by him, of stories by Amalia Domingo Soler, a prestigious freethinker of the intercentury period. In 2002, as part of the research work that led to her book Plumas femeninas en la literatura de Granada (VIII-XX) (460 pp.), she included the names and works of more than 20 religious women authors, who had cultivated various literary genres between the 16th and 20th centuries. Later works, such as "La literatura granadina del XVIII del XVIII con voz de mujer: misticismo, academia y traducción", in E. Palacios Fernández's volume 26 estudios sobre el siglo XVIII español, should be understood as part of this initial research. In the same line, between 1/12/2010 and 30/11/2012 she was part of the team of the project "Las alumbradas de Baeza: Leer la espiritualidad y escribir la vida desde el misticismo y la espiritualidad de su época", directed by Encarnación Medina (Univ. de Jaén); and later she was a member of the research team of the previous I+D project of R. Sanmartín, "La construcción de la santidad femenina", participating with the paper "Entre la Vida y el Camino: Lecturas modernistas de Santa Teresa a través de tres casos significativos" in the Jornadas Internacionales "Visiones de mujeres/ Mujeres con visiones", held in 2015. She has also published an article on this saint in the journal eHumanista. Correa is concerned with continuing to recover the female religious pens of the Golden Age, and with the phenomenon of the echoes, understanding and continuities of female spiritual authority in the 19th century. In this regard, in 2019 she published the book "¿Qué mandáis hacer de mí?": una historia desvelada de relecturas teresianas en el contexto cultural de entreesiglos (Iberoamericana). Finally, she won the 5th "Antonio Domínguez Ortiz" Biography Prize in 2008 and the 1st Luis de Salazar y Castro Prize in 2020, awarded by the Royal Association of Hidalgos of Spain. She is a regular contributor to Spanish television documentaries on the lives of writers.