Ciudad Universitaria, Edificio D, Plaza Menéndez Pelayo, s/n, 28040 Madrid 91 394 5863


Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida (IP)

Professor of Spanish Literature at the Complutense University of Madrid, Sanmartín focuses her research on the performativity of literature in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and on contemporary medievalism. Read more...

Amelina Correa Ramón

Amelina Correa Ramón (Granada), Professor in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Granada and member of the Academy of Arts of that city, has held teaching posts at the universities of Almería and Seville and has been a speaker at more than fifty international conferences in different cities in Europe, America and Africa. Read more...

Belén Molina Huete

Her doctoral thesis (extraordinary prize), which became a monograph that won the Manuel Alvar Prize for Humanistic Studies in 2003, promoted a critical re-reading of Pedro Espinosa's Flores de poetas ilustres. Read more

María Victoria Curto

María Victoria Curto holds a PhD Cum Laude in Spanish Literature from the Complutense University of Madrid (2022). Between 2017 and 2021 she was FPI of this project. Read more...

Ana Contreras Elvira

Professor of the Theater Directing Department at the Royal School of Performing Arts (RESAD), Director of the Mystics Festival of Contemporary Theater in Madrid, Director of Acotaciones, Theater research and creation Journal, Vice President of the International Association of the 21st Century Theater, and theater director. Read more...

Pablo Acosta García

Pablo Acosta-García (ORCID) is María Zambrano Postdoctoral Fellow at the Autonous University of Barcelona (UAB). Read more...

 ​Pedro García Suárez

PhD in Spanish Language and Literature from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, he is currently Professor at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Read more...

María del Mar Cortés Timoner

M. Mar Cortés Timoner, after obtaining a FPU scholarship, gained (cum laude), in 2003, a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona with a thesis on the spirituality of women writers, Madres y maestras espirituales: De Leonor López de Córdoba a Teresa de Jesús. Read more...

Ana Rita Gonçalves Soares

Ana Rita Gonçalves Soares (Porto, 1992) holds an European PhD in Literary Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid, where she was engaged as a pre-doctoral fellow researcher between 2016 and 2021.  Read more...

Celia Redondo Blasco

Graduada en Español: Lengua y Literatura por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Realizó el Máster en Literatura Española en la especialidad de Edad Media y Siglos de Oro. Leer más...

Ana Morte Acín

PhD Doctor in History from the University of Zaragoza (2008), has developed her teaching and research career in centers in America and Europe, such as the University of Monterrey, UDEM, (Mexico) and Queen Mary University of London (UK). Read more...

Andrew M. Beresford

Andrew M. Beresford is Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of Durham. Read more...

Lara Marchante Fuente

European PhD in Spanish Language and Literature (UCM, 2017), her research interests focus on the relationships between literature and gender construction from an interdisciplinary perspective. Read more...

Jessica A. Boon

Jessica A. Boon es Associate Professor de Religious Studies en la Universidad del Carolina del Norte - Chapel Hill (EEUU), y en 2016 ha realizado una estancia de investigación en el CSIC (Instituto de Historia). Leer más...

Yonsoo Kim

Yonsoo Kim es profesora titular de Literatura Medieval y Renacentista Española de la Universidad de Purdue (EE.UU). Leer más...

Carmen de Tena Ramírez

Carmen de Tena es Doctora Internacional en Historia del Arte y profesora del Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Sevilla. Leer más...

Lesley Twomey

Catedrática de Universidad de Northumbria, Lesley Twomey investiga no sólo la literatura hagiográfica sino también las contribuciones femeninas a la literatura religiosa. Leer más...

Fructuoso Atencia

Fructuoso Atencia Requena es investigador en formación (FPU) en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Leer más...

Borja Gama de Cossío

Borja Gama de Cossío obtuvo su licenciatura en filología inglesa en la Universidad de Oviedo, donde también cursó un máster en literatura comparada, por la rama de estudios renacentistas. Leer más...

Sergi Sancho Fibla

Sergi Sancho Fibla is a researcher at Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy), where he is studying teaching initiatives by lay-religious women from Southern Europe. Read more...

Michele Lodone

Michele Lodone (PhD, 2016) is an assistant professor of Medieval history at the University of Modena. Read more...

María Jesús Fuente

María Jesús Fuente is Professor Emerita of Medieval History at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Her line of research has focused on the female universe from different angles, as shown in her publications for more than ten years. Read more...

Margarita Paz Torres

It is Doctor cum laude with International Mention in Linguistic, Literary and Theater Studies from the Universidad de Alcalá (UAH); Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary and Baccalaureate Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (Specialty in Spanish Language and Literature) from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC); Master's Degree in Teacher Training of Spanish as a Foreign Language from the UAH, for which she obtained honors in his final project, and Extraordinary Prize for his class in the Degree in Hispanic Studies at the UAH. Read more...

María Aboal López

PhD in Spanish Literature from the Complutense University of Madrid, she is currently Associate Professor at the International University of La Rioja. Read more...

José María Morales Vázquez

José María Morales Vázquez (Sevilla, 1968) es Licenciado en Informática en la especialidad de Sistemas Físicos por la Universidad de Sevilla. Leer más...

Isabel Morujão

Isabel Morujão es Profesora en la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de Porto (Portugal) y miembro del Cientro de Investigación Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espacio & Memoria (CITCEM) de la Universidade de Porto. Leer más...

Verónica Torres Martín

Graduated in Spanish Philology in Universidad de Barcelona, she finished her master’s degree in Spanish Literature in Universidad Complutense of Madrid in 2020, specializing in Medieval and Golden Age literature, that she culminated with her final’s master project presentation entitled ‹‹“Siendo más flaco este sexo/ siempre es más arrojado”: el honor en los personajes femeninos de las obras de Ángela de Acevedo y Juana Teodora de Souza››. Read more...

María González Díaz
María González-Díaz graduated in Hispanic Studies: Spanish Language and its Literatures from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and received the Extraordinary Degree Prize for the best academic record. Read more...

Marta Amorós Tenorio

Licenciada en Filología Hispánica por la UCM, obtuvo el Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en 2007 con el trabajo Los rituales de la muerte en la hagiografía y la novela breve del Barroco. Leer más...

Blanca Santos de la Morena

Blanca Santos de la Morena holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies (2017) and a B.A. in Spanish Philology, both from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Read more...

Beatriz Bienvenida Morillas

Beatriz Bienvenida Morillas Pérez, contratada FPI de este proyecto, es graduada en “Español: Lengua y Literatura” por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde también realizó el Máster en “Estudios Medievales”. Leer más...

Jara de Domingo Murillo

Jara de Domingo Murillo es graduada en «Español: Lengua y Literatura» (2017-2021) por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde cursa el «Máster en Literatura Española» (2021-2022) y goza de una Beca de colaboración (2021-2022). Leer más...