It is Doctor cum laude with International Mention in Linguistic, Literary and Theater Studies from the Universidad de Alcalá (UAH); Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary and Baccalaureate Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (Specialty in Spanish Language and Literature) from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC); Master's Degree in Teacher Training of Spanish as a Foreign Language from the UAH, for which she obtained honors in his final project, and Extraordinary Prize for his class in the Degree in Hispanic Studies at the UAH.
Her research covers female spirituality from performance and the construction of holiness, the relationship between demonic eschatology and the female body, Mythology and the literary motifs of folk tales in Oral Tradition Literature. In September 2021, she received the XVI Social Council Award for University-Society Knowledge Transfer, in the category of Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences, from the Universidad de Alcalá, as coordinator of the Mythical Spaces of the UAH: International Meetings of Mythology 2013-2021.
Participate in the research project DHuMAR Digital Humanities, Middle Ages and Renaissance. 1. Poetry 2. Translation. Ref.: R+D+i FFI2013-44286-P. MINECO-University of Alcalá. She has worked as a Research Teaching Staff at the IEMSO (University Institute for Research in Medieval Studies and the Golden Age) “Miguel de Cervantes”, of the Universidad de Alcalá, helping in the coordination of the Great Cervantes Encyclopedia, directed by Carlos Alvar.
She has taught, lectured and communicated in Peru, Mexico and Spain. She has directed and coordinated different scientific dissemination events at the Universidad de Alcalá, such as the Mythical Spaces International Meetings of the UAH (2013-2022); the International Seminar of Cultural Studies on Mexico. Reality and representation of women (2019); the International Conference With the Voice of a Woman from the UAH. An interdisciplinary perspective from literature, arts and culture; the UAH International Conference on Oral Literature (2013-2017), the International Meeting of the UAH. Magic, demons and witches. A transatlantic visión (2018) or the Complementary Reading and Writing Workshop. Literary Research and Ethnography: Application in Secondary Education of the UAH (2017), among others.
Among her most recent publications include the book: Paz Torres, M. (2021). Dos visionarias del Virreino del Perú en el siglo XVII. Edición del proceso de fe de las religiosas de Santa Clara de Trujillo (1674-1681), London: SPLASH; the articles: Paz Torres, M. & Ruiz Tresgallo, S. (en prensa, julio 2022). Prácticas heterodoxas y santidad queer en “El proceso de fe” de las clarisas de Trujillo. Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (REGS), 48.1 n.º especial “Yo llana estoy”: jerarquías, transgresiones y despliegues de género en América hispana colonial (1492-1898). University of Michigan, p. 31-52; Paz Torres, M. (2021). “Se llegó a mi oído y, con habla velocísima, me dijo…”: coloquios orales de monjas, demonios e inquisidores (Trujillo, Perú, 1674-1681). Boletín de Literatura Oral, 11. Universidad de Jaén, pp. 173-191; Paz Torres, M. (2017). Mal de ojo y otras hechicerías. Brujería y curanderismo en Europa y América: México, España, Rumanía y Portugal. Ra Ximhai: revista científica de sociedad, cultura y desarrollo sostenible. Universidad Autónoma Intercultural de Sinaloa (México). 13-1, pp.117-140; or the book chapter: Paz Torres, M. (2020). De mujeres y otros demonios. Acerca de una visionaria del siglo XVII en el virreino del Perú. En Conciliábulo sobrenatural. Seres fantásticos y extraordinarios de la tradición C. Carranza Vera, C. Rocha Valverde y L. Rodas Suárez (Eds.). San Luis Potosí (México). El Colegio de San Luis (COLSAN), pp. 135-158.