Her doctoral thesis (extraordinary prize), which became a monograph that won the Manuel Alvar Prize for Humanistic Studies in 2003, promoted a critical re-reading of Pedro Espinosa's Flores de poetas ilustres. Avoiding nineteenth-century readings still in force, this book situated the most significant work of the antequerano-granadino lyric group as an organic Mannerist anthology. The critical edition of the florilegium (2005) was a necessary complement to this study. Within the Group "Andalusian Poetry and Prose of the Golden Age" (PAI HUM-233), he has developed general overviews, original critical contributions of interpretation and estimation, bio-bibliographical profiles, discoveries and textual recoveries around the most illustrious authors of this group, as well as writers of the stature of Góngora, Lope de Vega and Quevedo. In another parallel line, historiography and the history of literary reception, there are studies on different fields: erotic poetry (fray Melchor de la Serna), the dramatic recreation of Don Quixote (Entremés de Fco. de Ávila), the annotation of literary histories (Ticknor by C. A. de la Barrera) or their conformation (J. L. Alborg) and, especially, historical lyric anthologies (Parnaso español by López de Sedano, Floresta de rimas antiguas castellanas by Böhl de Faber, L'Espagne Poetique by J. Mª Maury) to which he has devoted works considered to be outstanding for the detailed definition of his canonical proposal and its scope in literary history. She has been a member of Rebeca Sanmartín's previous project, "La construcción de la santidad femenina" (The construction of feminine sanctity). Her most relevant contributions focus on the recovery of the figure of Gregoria Fca. de Santa Teresa, a Discalced Carmelite nun from between the centuries, whose poetry and exclamations have served as a field of work to study the evolution of Teresian literature. On the other hand, her research work in the conventual archives and libraries has resulted in the recovery of manuscript works from the 16th century of primary interest for the analysis of visions as an element of sanctity, the biographical genre and lyric poetry in the early Barefoot Carmelite monastery. As a Lecturer at the University of Malaga, she teaches in the Department of Spanish Philology. She is a Full Member of the Royal Academy of Noble Arts of Antequera and president of its Letters Section.